
Bridge technology for the coming years

US DIESEL® is the ideal intermediate solution for owners of diesel vehicles, until new vehicle technologies (electric, hybrid, and hydrogen drives) are fully developed and available on the market.

global automobile inventory 2020 vs. 2030

(in billion automobiles)


10.9 Mio.
= ~ 1%

Forecast for 2030

116 Mio.
= ~ 7.25%

Sources: Statista, McKinsey, VdA

Source: EIA Energy information administration (USA)

every drop counts ...

  • in Europe: reduced emissions, if cars are driven with US DIESEL® rather than conventional diesel
  • in emerging countries, where the development of non-fossil processes will take years or even decades
  • in global freight traffic via waterways, rail, or roads
US DIESEL® is ready ...because every drop counts.